October 23 - Member Update
October 23, 2020
To: All SSA Member Organizations
The Business Response Team (BRT), working with Sask Health, has confirmed that participation in more than one mini league is currently not prohibited by the Sports and Activities Guidelines. Participants should, however, restrict themselves to as few activities as possible.
Participating in activities within sanctioned sports organizations, which follow rigorous safety protocols, is preferred to joining unsanctioned sports that are not adhering to provincial guidelines. Ultimately, participants can increase their safety by choosing fewer activities and ensuring all groups they are involved with meet provincial government standards. Member Organizations must ensure contact tracing is available, and should a COVID transmission occur, the more groups that individuals are involved with increases the risk for sport in general. We must all continue to do our part to remain diligent in the enforcement of all guidelines.
Furthermore, with the indoor season beginning or already in progress, we want to remind Member Organizations that you must consult your facility operator regarding facility guidelines. As each facility is unique, we are unable to provide guidance to Member Organizations regarding facility capacity or facility specific guidelines. If your member organization is a facility operator, you are responsible to ensure your facility is operating in compliance with government guidelines.
SSA’s role is to communicate the government guidelines through our plan to support our member organizations to make informed choices. Ultimately, the Member Organization is responsible to interpret the government’s guidelines and make decisions on how play will occur locally.
Member Discussions
November Member Sessions
Registration is now open for all sessions!
Learn More.
Indoor Registration Deadlines
The 1st 2020-21 Indoor Submission registration deadline is November 7. The deadline includes all registrations for players, coaches and officials received up to and including October 31 must be submitted.
It is important that you submit the completed Registrar Report and fees no later than November 7. The indoor registration fees and Registrar Reports are available on the
SSA website. If you have any questions, contact
Coaching Development

For the first time ever The Coaches Association of Canada will be hosting The Petro-Canada™ Sport Leadership sportif Conference online and FREE for everyone. This is a great opportunity for anyone who may not have been able to attend the conference in the past due to travel / cost restrictions.
SSA Calendar of Events & Deadlines
Recordings of past webinars and COVID 19 member calls can be found on our
YouTube Channel.
November 7 -
Indoor Registrar Report Deadline. All fees and registrar reports for player/coach/referee registrations received up to and including October 31 must be submitted.
November 1 & 8 - How to Manage Your Technical Direction
November 9 - Member Discussion Call
November 18 - Leading the Way - LQBTQI2S Inclusion in Sport
November 24 - Futsal 101 for Member Organizations
November 25 - Code of Conduct to Protect Children
TBD - Bylaw Consultation
As a reminder, please continue to take care of yourself, your families, and others.