Minimum Coaching Standards and Safe Sport Roster
Minimum Coaching Standards
The Saskatchewan Soccer Coaching Standards have been established in an effort to improve the training and game environment for all players in Saskatchewan. The coaching standards are targeted to meet the specific age and stream requirements with a player-first priority and focus.

2023 Canada Soccer Coach Education Minimum Standards
The Canada Soccer Safe Sport Roster is a progressive package of programs, policies, and procedures designed to ensure that organizations that offer soccer programming in Canada create safe, fun, developmentally appropriate, inclusive, accessible, and welcoming experiences for all participants. For amateur soccer organizations in Canada, the expansion of the Canada Soccer Youth Club Licensing Program as a requirement of membership has been implemented as a direct result of the unanimous adoption of the Canada Soccer Safe Sport Roster at the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Members.
Ahead of the start of the 2023 soccer season, all member organizations (clubs and academies) that offer youth soccer programing in a Canada Soccer Member Association Province and Territory will be required to meet the minimum Standards of Quality Soccer to be recognized as Quality Soccer Provider within the Canada Soccer Youth Club Licensing Program and in support of the guiding principles of the Safe Sport Roster. Within the Standards for Quality Soccer, it is required that coaches are trained and/or certified appropriately for the program(s) in which they coach and aligned to the Canada Soccer Safe Sport Roster. The minimum standards are further defined below for the 2023 playing season:

Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders is a required training program for all registered coaches and team personnel of provincial sport governing bodies in Saskatchewan. Respect in Sport (RiS) for Activity Leaders is a tool designed to assist leaders to identify and respond to abuse, neglect, harassment, and bullying.
By successfully completing the NCCP
Make Ethical Decisions training, coaches will be fully equipped to handle ethical situations with confidence and surety. MED is a requirement for the FUNdamentals coaching workshop through to the A Licence workshop.
Concussions can occur while participating in any sport or recreation activity. Since the circumstances under which a concussion can be sustained are so varied, it's important for all coaches, parents/coaches/guardians, and athletes to be aware of the signs, symptoms, and what to do if a concussion occurs. The eLearning modules teach you how to recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion - and also how to respond.
The NCCP Emergency Action Plan Module prepares coaches to respond calmly, quickly, and effectively if a sport participant is seriously injured during practice or competition.
The goal of the Rule of Two is to ensure all interactions and communications are in open, observable, and justifiable settings.
Coaching Associations
The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) educates and certifies coaches and celebrates their achievements at all levels of sport. Through its coaching education, research, and advocacy programs, the CAC promotes safety in sport, works to increase diversity and inclusion within Canada's coaching community, and strives to enhance the sport experiences of participants across the country.
National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) provides standardized, inclusive, and sport safety education to coaches and coach developers across 65 sports. Since 1974, more than 1.8 million coaches have engaged in NCCP training to develop their own coaching skills and to improve the performance of their participants at all levels of sport. NCCP Multi-sport Training Modules cover topics relevant to all sports (nutrition, for example) and help you become a more effective coach. They also provide training for coaches working towards Trained status within their NCCP coaching pathways.
The Coaching Association of Canada also manages
The Locker, their online platform built specifically for coaches. Create a free account to engage in NCCP eLearning, register for events, access your NCCP coaching transcript, and more.
Coaches Association of Saskatchewan is the voice for coaching in Saskatchewan and a leader in coach development and recognition, providing quality programs and services to Saskatchewan coaches at all levels.