Recognition Awards

Nominate someone for the SSA Recognition Awards 

Know someone that goes above and beyond, on or off the field? SSA extends the invitation to nominate players, teams, coaches, referees, and volunteers that exemplify the Values, Vision, and Mission of the organization! Award nominees and winners will be celebrated during the Recognition Celebration, date to be announced.
The deadline to submit nomination forms for the Saskatchewan Soccer Association Technical and Recognition Awards is on January 15 each year.
To submit a nomination and for further information about the Awards and Recognition process, please see the forms and criteria below.
Award Categories include the following:
-Youth Player of the Year 
-Adult Player of the Year (2 Awards)
-Futsal Player of the Year (2 Awards)
-Youth Coach of the Year
-Adult Coach of the Year
-Coaching Dedication Award
-Youth Team of the Year
-Adult Team of the Year
-Referee of the Year
-Community Referee of the Year
-Member Organization of the Year
-Volunteer of the Year
-David Newsham Award

Forms and Criteria

Category and Nomination Criteria

Nominations can be submitted to the Saskatchewan Soccer office by January 15th each year. Electronic and written submissions are accepted. Nomination forms are housed on Submittable  
SSA Technical & Recognition Awards  Online Submission 
SSA Volunteer of the Year Award  Online Submission
Member Organization of the Year Award  Online Submission
David Newsham Award  Online Submission
 Fillable Word Files: Be sure to download the form to your computer and save a completed version to your desktop/device

Typed/written form submission can be mailed, faxed or emailed to the below addresses.  
By Mail By Fax By Email
Saskatchewan Soccer Attn:
Awards and Recognition Committee
300-1734 Elphinstone Street
Regina, SK, S4T 1K1
(306) 780-9480 
 For more information about the recognition awards process, contact 

Saskatchewan Soccer Association is proud to announce the Awards Nominees for the 2024 SSA Recognition Awards. These players, coaches, referees, and volunteers had an outstanding year in 2024.  

Youth Player of the Year
Folawe Balogun, SSA EXCEL Program
Calla Zimmer, Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc.
Futsal Player of the Year
Annika Cook
Griffin Striker
Adult Player of the Year
Tyler Redl, Saskatoon Adult Soccer
Jade Houmphanh, Saskatoon Adult Soccer Inc.
Youth Coach of the Year
Ali Beloud, Battleford United FC
Jeff Freyling, ASTRA Soccer Academy
Adult Coach of the Year
Jerson Hamilton
Astrid Baecker
Community Referee of the Year
Ella Kupser
Scott Malek
Referee of the Year
Miguel Carrillo
Chantal Boudreau
Coaching Dedication
Dan Weber, Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc.
Kacey Payne, JJ Soccer
Youth Team of the Year
U15 Girls Saskatoon Alliance Black
U17 Boys Saskatoon Alliance Blue
Adult Team of the Year
Saskatoon Green and White
Member Organization of the Year
Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc.
QC United
Volunteer of the Year
Riley Drader, Valley Soccer Association
Michele Mason, Saskatoon United Soccer Club
Sheldon Mathies, Saskatoon Adult Soccer Inc.
David Newsham Award
Dena Clark
Mark Millard
Provincial Soccer League Golden Boot Awards:
  • U15 Girls Golden Boot
    • Chloe Coombs, Saskatoon Alliance Black
  • U15 Boys Golden Boot
    • Hashem Momani, Saskatoon Alliance Blue
  • U17 Boys Golden Boot
    • Tristao Hein, Saskatoon Alliance Blue
  • U17 Girls Golden Boot
    • Neko Michell, QC United
Thank you to the many nominators who took the time to submit a worthy nominee for the awards.

Past Award Winners

Saskatchewan Soccer is always pleased to recognize all of the previous winners of the association's Premier Soccer League (PSL) and Saskatchewan Soccer Recognition Awards.

Previous David Newsham Award Winners

1985 Henk Ruys*  1986 Doug Knott* 1987 Cedric Gillot 1988 Raymond Jones 1989 Hank Koopman*
1990 Bill Kerr 1991 1992 Ross Wilson 1993 Klaas Post* 1994 Paul Caves
1995 David Hebert 1996 Ken Billows* 1997 Andy Sharpe 1998 Ed Horn 1999 David Jenkins*
2000  Tom Wieclawski 2001 Al Day 2002 Bob Maltman 2003 Dale Perry 2004 Percy Hoff
2005 Bob Rohachuk 2006 Jim Nicholson 2007 Esther Dupperon 2008 Bruce Cowan  2009 John Leyshon
2010 Rob Newman 2011 Brett Mario 2012 Huw Morris 2013 David Jenkins 2014 Jeannette Kuc
2015 Don Findlay 2016 Mark Lord 2017 Rob Kroeker 2018 Gord Quinlan 2019 Hung Tan Duong
2020 Leslie Blyth 2021 Leonard Lewko 2022 Len Chelack 2023 Kathy Chisholm  
* indicates deceased


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