October 16 - Member Update
October 16, 2020
To: All SSA Member Organizations
Return to Soccer Updates
REMOVED FROM THE RETURN TO SOCCER PLAN: ...BRT confirmed that there are no guidelines that prohibit player participation in more than one mini league within a sport.
Since we communicated regarding mini leagues on Sept 4th, Sask Health and the BRT have revised their position and now have publicly stated that teams and players playing in more than one mini-league within a sport is prohibited. This is unfortunate and we understand this may cause your organization difficulties, however, direction from BRT and Sask Health is subject to change at any time. If your organization is greatly affected by this change, we are here to support; BRT offered their apologies and support and SSA will request a meeting on behalf of any member that may be impacted.
Our goal today is to reinforce our previous message that allowing players in more than one mini league is a risk and may lead to fines if reported to the government. Also, if a positive case occurs and the participant has played in multiple leagues, a large portion of or your entire organization may be required shut down. We continue to strongly discourage this practice until otherwise is clarified in the governments sport guidelines.
We also want to remind your organization that with the number of cases increasing in Saskatchewan, it is most important to continue to follow the government guidelines and to be prepared if there is a case of COVID within your organization. On our
COVID Resources page, we have Emergency Action Plan resources, as well as a Crisis Communication Guide available. Additionally, we added flow charts in the RTSP on pages 25 and 26, to indicate the steps to follow if a participant has symptoms and/or tests positive for COVID.
Please be reminded that the government guidelines are subject to change. Your organization is ultimately responsible to ensure you are following government guidelines for sport - we are here to offer our support and provide information as it comes available.
Member Discussions
November Member Sessions
This year’s Fall Member Sessions have been moved online! We are happy to offer the following Organizational Development Opportunities to all Member Organizations contacts throughout November.
Indoor Registration Deadlines
The 1st 2020-21 Indoor Submission registration deadline is November 7. The deadline includes all registrations for players, coaches and officials received up to and including October 31 must be submitted.
It is important that you submit the completed Registrar Report and fees no later than November 7. The indoor registration fees and Registrar Reports are available on the
SSA website. If you have any questions, contact
Esport Tournament
We had mentioned Canada Soccer’s Esport tournament on this week’s Member Discussion call. We have since been advised that the tournament has been moved to February 2021. We will send out details as they come available.
2021 WISE Fund Applications Are Open!

Attention sport leaders: you’ve got 28 days to apply for your chance to receive $2500 to put towards initiatives for girls and women in sport.
Important Dates:
Tuesday, October 13 - Applications open
Monday, November 9 - Applications close
Early March 2021 - Recipients are announced
Grant money must be spend by March 1, 2022
Sport for Life - No Ref - No Game” Reframing Long-Term Officials Development Webinar

Participation in sport officiating in Canada is dwindling to crisis levels in many sports. Through the development of Sport for Life’s Long-Term Officials Framework/Guidelines, we learned that Canada’s 600,000+ officials often feel disconnected from their sport organizations and frequently suffer harassment and abuse. This webinar explores the critical role officials can play in reaching Sport Canada’s goals for offering safe quality sport opportunities to all Canadians. Explore the tools and resources to support your officials to be engaged and effective leaders of inclusive sport in your organization.
This webinar will be led by Meredith Gardner, Long-Term Development Advisor, Sport for Life LTOD lead, and founder of “Count Us In” training for the inclusion of children with hidden disabilities in sport. Panelists include Brian Barlow, Evan Andrew, Kasey Liboiron, Landon Gorbenko, Nathalie Muller, and Nicky Pearson.
Date: Thursday, October 22, 2020, 10-11:30 a.m. PST / 1-2:30 p.m. EDT
Register here SSA Calendar of Events& Deadlines
Recordings of past webinars and COVID 19 member calls can be found on our
YouTube Channel.
November 7 -
Indoor Registrar Report Deadline. All fees and registrar reports for player/coach/referee registrations received up to and including October 31 must be submitted.
November 1 & 8 - How to Manage Your Technical Direction
November 9 - Member Discussion Call
November 18 - Leading the Way - LQBTQI2S Inclusion in Sport
November 24 - Futsal 101 for Member Organizations
November 25 - Code of Conduct to Protect Children
TBD - Bylaw Consultation
As a reminder, please continue to take care of yourself, your families, and others.