October 5 - Member Update
October 5, 2020
To: All SSA Member Organizations
Return to Soccer Updates
There are no updates to the Return to Soccer Plan this week.
Board Nominations
A Message from the Chair of Nominations, Kelly Rawlings
I am writing on behalf of the Board of Directors of Saskatchewan Soccer Association (SSA) to request that the information below concerning nominations to the SSA Board be circulated widely within your organization. The Nominations Committee invites nominations for 6 available positions in 2021.
SSA Board of Directors Update
Saskatoon’s David Burlock has resigned from the Board. On Sept. 26
th, as per Article 6.2.14 of the
Bylaws, former Director, Janelle Layton of Eatonia, was appointed to fill the vacancy until the Annual General Meeting.
Bylaw Consultation
In preparation for the Annual General Meeting the SSA Board annually hosts a fall bylaw consult to consider potential amendments to the Bylaws. Should your organization wish to submit any amendments please complete the
Bylaw Amendment form and submit to
ea@sasksoccer.com by Oct. 26, 2020. Please provide rationale for all amendments.
Two amendments have been proposed and area available for review at this time.
Proposed Amendments.
Once received all amendments will be circulated to voting members for their consideration. SSA will then host an online meeting to ensure that we have open and transparent discussions about all potential amendments. Members will be encouraged to register any amendments to the proposed bylaws at that time. This ensures that all members can participate in open debate prior to the final deadline for Bylaw Amendments which is Dec. 15, 2020. The goal is to work collaboratively to come to consensus during this consultation process and prior to the Annual General Meeting. In order to meet the requirements of the Non-Profit Act 1995, at minimum, any major amendments must be received by the Dec. 15, 2020 deadline to be considered at the AGM.
We do not have specific dates for the consult at this time as we are still waiting for details on bylaw amendments from Canada Soccer which may impact SSA. However, the date for the Canada Soccer Annual Meeting is not yet set. Once we know more, we will provide additional details.
Awards Nominations
It’s that time of year again! Despite there being a lack of competition this summer, we still feel it is important to celebrate the accomplishments of our members. We know many of you competed in our Indoor Provincials way back in February and early March, we know many have had to go above and beyond to bring our sport back during the pandemic, so we want to celebrate those accomplishments.
SSA extends an invitation to you to nominate players, teams, coaches, referees, volunteers, and organizations that exemplify the Values, Vision, and Mission of the SSA. Award nominees and winners will be celebrated during the Recognition Celebration, March 20, 2021.
NEW for 2020 - Member Organization of the Year Award - the Member Organization of the Year award celebrates an SSA Member Organization that is a good partner, provides quality, innovative and inclusive programming, and benefits the game overall game of soccer in their community and in the province.
ASTRA Approved for Regular Member Status
Based out of Saskatoon, ASTRA Soccer Academy has been an SSA Associate Member since 2012. In January 2020 they applied for a change in their conditions of membership to become a Regular Member. After lengthy consideration of the application and member feedback, and guided by the criteria for membership, the SSA Board unanimously approved ASTRA for Regular Membership status. All membership approvals are for a one-year probationary period.
Policy and Fee Updates
The Board of Directors are pleased to report, that due to concerns of Membership and the impact of the pandemic, Outdoor and Indoor fee increases planned for 2020 & 2021 have been rescinded:
Mini fees will remain @ $16 while Youth & Adult remain @ $32. Team Personnel Fees & Walking fees remain @ $10. |
Beach remains promotional @ $0. |
Categorical fees for Futsal, introduced in 2020, remain in place at 2019 levels - $16 for Mini while Youth & Adult remain @ $32. Team Personnel remain @ $10. |
The following Sections of
SSA Policy have had amendments made, which are identified by (10 20), to various articles. Here is a brief summary of the changes:
Section Two - Member Rights & Responsibilities - registration fees updated as noted above, policy to provide MOs authority to remove volunteers to protect their interests, various articles, such as International Transfer Certificates (ITCs), adjusted to meet CSA requirements |
Section Three - Code of Conduct - new article added to Protect Children - aligns with amendments made in Section 2, 4, & 13 |
Section Four - Formal Complaints - primarily housekeeping amendments |
Section Five - Discipline - amendments related to the hearing fee, Misconduct of a Match Official |
Section 9 - Competitions - primarily housekeeping amendments |
Section 10 - Sanctioning and Endorsement - Coaching standards chart for sanctioning requirements has been updated |
Section 13 - Risk Management - added articles to Protect Children |
Please review the various amendments in detail to ensure you remain current.
November Member Session Survey
This year's November Member Sessions are moving online! We will be hosting a package of Organization Developmental Opportunities in November and are asking for your assistance to optimize attendance.
click here to complete a short survey and let us know what times work best for you! Please respond by Thursday, October 8.
Member Discussions
SSA Calendar of Events & Deadlines
Recordings of past webinars and COVID 19 member calls can be found on our
YouTube Channel.
October 9 - Deadline for endorsement of Adaptive Sport Club Development and Equipment Grants. Contact Nicole for more information.
October 13 - Member Discussion
October 26 - Bylaw Amendment Submission Deadline
December 15 - Deadline for Board Nominations, SSA Recognition and Technical Awards Nominations
As a reminder, please continue to take care of yourself, your families, and others.
 | Our sport is underway during the pandemic. It's a challenging time, but support from our partners allows us to offer opportunities for kids to play. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada. Nous reconnaissons l'appui financier du gouvernement du Canada. |