July 3, 2020 Member Update
This week the provincial government announced indoor sports can resume starting July 6
th. The sport guidelines in the
Re-open Saskatchewan Plan have been updated to reflect this. Although indoor sports will be allowed, it is still recommended to move activities outside whenever possible. As indicated in the Re-open Saskatchewan Plan, ‘the likelihood of transmission between individuals participating in sport, physical activity and recreation in an indoor setting is significantly higher’.
Can we divide a field in two, and have two games or training sessions running at the same time?
Can yellow/red cards be given out for spitting/not following social distancing rules?
All updates are marked 07/03/20.
As we return to play, it is important that we remember that participant safety is our top priority. As stated last week, the Business Response Team clarified that players may only participate in one group of 50. While we normally would support a player’s decision to play in multiple organizations or leagues, at this time it is not in the best interest for all those involved in our game. Your organization has a responsibility to communicate this to your participants, and we urge organizations to work together to determine solutions for players who play in both leagues and academies.
Congratulations to the Member Organizations and Clubs that completed the Canada Soccer Assessment Tool since our last communication. There are now 20 Organizations that have gone through this process and are either back on the field or preparing to get back on the field in the near future.
Member Discussions
On the next Member Discussion call we will be asking Member Organizations to share their experiences as they prepare to Return to Soccer.
We know as soccer begins and summer holidays are taken that these meetings may be harder to make. If you need to catch up on a call, all Member Discussion Recordings are available on our
YouTube Channel.
MAP Grant
Your organization may be encountering additional expenses as you begin your return to soccer (cleaning supplies, PPE, additional equipment, etc.). If you were already approved for MAP Grant this year, you do have the option to revise your application to include these expenses. This will not change your overall funding totals, but rather the eligible expenses to spend your already approved funding on.
To revise your application, please make any additions to your previous application and email
Nicole Drozda. Expenses are not considered approved until you have received written confirmation.
Referee Fees
For 2020 Referee Fees have been reduced by 50%. Member Organizations will receive a credit for those referees already registered. Further information on referee registration will be emailed out in the near future.
COVID-19: Modification to the Laws of the Game
We received information from Canada Soccer regarding local organizations creating modifications to the Laws of the Game resulting in players or team personnel receiving yellow or red cards for spitting on the field. Please be aware, modifications to the Laws of the Game that carry any disciplinary sanction enforced by the referee are not allowed, and therefore, Member Organizations that wish to enforce no spitting/other COVID 19 specific rules should do so through education and other methods rather than red and yellow cards. This does not refer to spitting at someone, which is a red card offense.
We will briefly discuss this topic on Tuesday’s Member Discussion call.
Coaching Education
Reminder, Online Coach Education is up and running!
Registration for our community stream courses can be completed through the RAMP registration platform.
Canada Soccer Youth Licence and B-National Part II courses originally scheduled to take place this summer will now be available online. For more information on these courses and how to apply please click on the appropriate course link below.
REMINDER: Inclusivity and Diversity Advisory Group
In an effort to develop strategies that will have a long-term impact, we are forming this Group to represent Saskatchewan Soccer’s diverse community and have a voice in designing and implementing an inclusivity strategy.
The group will be asked to consider and provide advice on ways to research, educate and inform Member Organizations to remove barriers, encourage inclusivity and diversity, and eliminate racism.
We are asking for leaders to come forward, specifically visible minorities from across the province including youth, to get involved in the formation of these strategies and this advisory group. Please consider completing the Expression of Interest, outlining how your background and experience will be an asset to this important initiative.
SSA Calendar of Events
Recordings of past webinars and COVID 19 member calls can be found on our
YouTube Channel. The slide decks from our presenters, including Paul Varian and Stuart Neely, are available on
our website.
SSA have partnered with Sports Medicine and Science Council for Saskatchewan to bring a coaching education webinar series to assist coaches in supporting their athletes and maintaining their own health and wellness. Registration information for these workshops can be
found here.
July 8 - Goal Setting - 4:30 pm
July 15 - Stress and Relaxation - 4:30 pm
Canada Soccer Nation Inside
As a reminder, please continue to take care of yourself, your families, and others.
Wash your hands frequently (it is the single most effective way of reducing infection spread).
Practice other good hygiene habits: do not touch your face/eyes/mouth with your hands and cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough (ideally with a disposable tissue or the crease of your elbow).
Clean and disinfect frequently touched workspace surfaces.
Maintain good general health (eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and move in moderation).
Stay home if you are sick