June 26, 2020 Member Update
June 26, 2020
To: All SSA Member Organizations
This Tuesday the Provincial Government once again released updated sport guidelines, and based on these guidelines, as of June 29th, we will be in Phase 3 of the Return to Soccer Plan (RTSP).
As we prepare to move from Return to Train (Phases 1 and 2) to Return to Play (Phase 3), we want to remind your organization that it is still recommended to start in Phase 1 when you return to the pitch. By starting in a more controlled phase, your organization can ensure that you have your safety protocols and standards properly in place. As you advance through the stages, you move to another level of risk and your organization should only progress in the phases when ready and comfortable.
Another important consideration is that not everyone may be comfortable with contact activities. Ultimately, it’s the participant’s or parent’s choice on what level of activity they want to be involved in, and therefore your organization should consider offering activity options to meet the needs of these families, such as no contact or limited contact training/games.
Based on the Government Guidelines, and clarification on a number of items from the Business Response Team, important updates to the Return to Soccer Plan have been completed. The most recent version is available on our
COVID Resources page. All recent changes are marked ‘Updated 06/26/20’.
We appreciate you sharing the RTSP on your sites, however, we do ask that you link directly to our Resource Page, rather than the plan itself, as the document is dynamic and updated regularly.
In addition to the RTSP, your organization also has a responsibility to thoroughly review the sport guidelines available in the Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan.
We understand with more guidelines come more questions. Therefore, we have created a new
FAQ Document that will be updated regularly. If you have any questions that are not covered in this document, please
contact us. If you have questions specific to your organization’s operations, we recommend reaching out to the
Business Response Team.
Reminder, successful completion of the Canada Soccer Assessment Tool is a critical step in the Return to Play Process. Congratulations to the following Member Organizations and Clubs that received a ‘Very Low’ or ‘Low’ Risk score on the Canada Soccer Assessment Tool:
ASTRA Soccer Academy
Aurora Soccer Club
Battleford Youth Soccer Inc.
Eastside Youth Soccer Association
FC Regina
Hollandia Soccer Club
JJ Soccer
Lakewood Soccer Association
Moose Jaw Soccer Association
Queen City United Soccer
Saskatoon United Soccer Club
Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc.
Swift Current United Soccer
Valley Soccer Association
Whitecaps FC - Academy Centres (SASK)
Yorkton United Football Club
Any Member Organizations receiving a score of Moderate to High will need to revisit the mitigation section of the planning tool to address areas where they need improvement. These organizations must then go through the Assessment Tool again prior to returning to the pitch.
Member Discussions
On the Tuesday’s Member Discussion call we requested feedback on whether to continue the calls going forward. The overwhelming response was ‘Yes’, and we were happy to hear that your organization is finding value in these conversations.
We know as soccer begins and summer holidays are taken that these meetings may be harder to make. If you need to catch up on a call, all Member Discussion Recordings are available on our YouTube Channel.
Inclusivity and Diversity Advisory Group - Our Call to action
In an effort to develop strategies that will have a long-term impact, we are forming this Group to represent Saskatchewan Soccer’s diverse community and have a voice in designing and implementing an inclusivity strategy.
The group will be asked to consider and provide advice on ways to research, educate and inform Member Organizations to remove barriers, encourage inclusivity and diversity, and eliminate racism.
We are asking for leaders to come forward, specifically visible minorities from across the province including youth, to get involved in the formation of these strategies and this advisory group. Please consider completing the Expression of Interest, outlining how your background and experience will be an asset to this important initiative.
Club Nationals, Provincials and Soccer Day in Saskatchewan
With the ongoing impact of COVID-19, SSA is now confirming the cancellation of all 2020 Outdoor Provincial Championships, the Provincial Soccer League (PSL) and Soccer Day in Saskatchewan.
SSA Staffing
SSA is pleased to welcome Markus Reinkens, Coordinator of Sport for All, back to the SSA team as of today. Markus’s contact information and responsibilities are available on
our website.
SSA Alumni on Sask Sport Board

SSA is very proud of the contributions of former Directors of the SSA Board who have gone on to provide leadership at the provincial level on the Sask Sport Board.
On June 19th Angella Pinay, was named Chair of the Sask Sport Board. This is a significant honour for Angella, who has made many contributions to sport that will continue in her new role as Sask Sport Chair. She follows former SSA and Sask Sport Chair Leslie Blyth who has now steps down having completed her year term as Sask Sport Past President. Finally, we are proud to announce that Janelle Layton was newly elected to the Sask Sport Board.
Thank you for your service and support to SSA and for your leadership with the Sask Sport board.
Registration Updates
Outdoor Support Participant Registration
New to OD 2020, any person planning to participate on field as a support participant is required to register to ensure proper waivers and documents are completed. This includes anyone other than players or team personnel on the field (ie. a parent, guardian, sibling, etc. for a mini or youth player). Registration will be accepted through your RAMP Executive registration, under the position title of Support Participant. This type of registration is required only if they are not currently registered as a player, team personnel or official and does not replace Coach registration. There is no registration fee for Support Participants and their registration is only valid in a support role.
Indoor Registration
Indoor Participant registration is now open, although we do not currently have any guidelines or dates on when indoor soccer may commence, MO interested in advertising indoor player registration can do so. Staff/Coach indoor registration will not be available until late summer.
It is important to note, indoor 20-21 season will not be available to the public until the season has been set-up and activated by the MO/Club. Once the season is set up and packages have been added players will be able to register. If you have both Indoor and Outdoor registration active, it is recommended to advise registrants to be conscious of which season they are signing up for (Outdoor 2020, Indoor 20-21).
SSA Calendar of Events
Recordings of past webinars and COVID 19 member calls can be found on our
YouTube Channel. The slide decks from our presenters, including Paul Varian and Stuart Neely, are available on
our website.
June 29 @ 7:00pm - Success leaves clues, how we use data at the U of S to inform our decisions, and a comparison of top U-sports Programs - delivered by Jerson Barandica-Hamilton (U of S Women’s Head Coach)
SSA have partnered with Sports Medicine and Science Council for Saskatchewan to bring a coaching education webinar series to assist coaches in supporting their athletes and maintaining their own health and wellness. Registration information for these workshops can be
found here.
July 8 - Goal Setting - 4:30 pm
July 15 - Stress and Relaxation - 4:30 pm
Canada Soccer Nation Inside
As a reminder, please continue to take care of yourself, your families, and others.
Wash your hands frequently (it is the single most effective way of reducing infection spread). |
Practice other good hygiene habits: do not touch your face/eyes/mouth with your hands and cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough (ideally with a disposable tissue or the crease of your elbow). |
Clean and disinfect frequently touched workspace surfaces. |
Maintain good general health (eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and move in moderation). |
Stay home if you are sick |