June 19, 2020 Member Update
June 19, 2020
We want to start off this communication by restating our commitment to offer a safe and positive environment for all, an environment that provides equal opportunity, prohibits discriminatory practices, and where all individuals are treated with respect. Let’s make a commitment to stand together against racism. Let’s make a commitment to listen and learn from our members and each other. Let’s make a commitment to be more welcoming and inclusive.
Only by working together can we make a real and lasting impact and in the coming week, you’ll see more information from us on starting the conversation. In the meantime, we want to hear from you.
Please share your expertise, experience, concerns, or advice on how we do more to create a safe and inclusive environment for all.
We received the news we have all been anxiously waiting for this week when the Provincial Government announced Phase 4.1 including outdoor sports to begin on June 22nd. We are all excited to get back out on the pitch, but as we do it’s important that we continue to keep participant safety top of mind. It will be a process, but we are close to getting back to enjoying the game we have all missed so much.
For OUTDOOR soccer only - We are pleased to announce that on June 22nd, based on the provincial guidelines for outdoor sport, we will be entering Phase 2 of the RTSP - Return to Train - Minimal Contact Training.
Return to Soccer Plan has been updated to include additional guidelines specific to this second phase.
It is strongly recommended your organization begins your return to soccer in Phase 1 of the plan and only progresses as you are ready, however ultimately your organization must make this decision. Beyond Phase 2, we have no dates, however we are hopeful that if we all do our part to limit the spread of COVID 19, that we will advance to further stages this summer. Any activity beyond
Phase 2 is still prohibited at this time, including league play, scrimmages between teams, etc.
Reminder, successful completion of the Canada Soccer Assessment Tool is a critical step in the Return to Play Process.
Congratulations to the following Member Organizations and Clubs that received a ‘Low’ Risk score on the Canada Soccer Assessment Tool:
Saskatoon United Soccer Club |
FC Regina |
Swift Current United Soccer |
Moose Jaw Soccer Association |
The commitment of these organizations to player safety should be applauded and we look forward to hearing their updates as they begin their return to the pitch.
Any Member Organizations receiving a score of Moderate to High will need to revisit the mitigation section of the planning tool to address areas where they need improvement. These organizations must then go through the Assessment Tool again prior to returning to the pitch.
Business Response Team Response
We recently reached out to the Business Response Team seeking clarification on the provincial sport guidelines. We are sharing this information as it is relevant to all Member Organizations.
If you have any questions, specific to your organization’s operations. We recommend your contact the Business Support Team for guidance:
supportforbusiness@gov.sk.ca or 1-844-800-8688.
QUESTION #1 - The Re-open plan encourages scrimmage - however, scrimmage in soccer will result in individuals coming into contact with each other regularly in pursuit of the ball.
Within a scrimmage among team members, please clarify if:
ANSWER 1 - All contact should be minimized as much as possible, recognizing this may occur from time to time in scrimmage. However, the team should avoid drills where contact is unavoidable.
QUESTION 2 - Is a soccer game or scrimmage considered a full contact activity? Or is contact allowed for individuals that are part of an identified “team?
ANSWER 2 - Scrimmage between members of the same team is permitted. Again, contact should be minimized as much as possible at this time. And all players and coaches should self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19.
QUESTION 3 - In many communities they have multiple soccer pitches close together.Can we have up to 30 people on or near each soccer pitch?
Therefore, if you had four pitches in one sports area there could be up to 120 people - i.e. 4 groups of up to 30 on each pitch?
ANSWER 3 - Yes. 30 people per pitch are permitted while ensuring as much physical distancing as possible (5m) between groups of 30. 2m physical distancing should be observed by non- household or extended household members within each group of 30.
Registration for the RAMP Outdoor 2020 Season (OD 2020) is now active. Everyone previously registered for OD 2020 who will participate in any upcoming activities is required to update their registration. This includes all Participants, Staff (Team Personnel), Officials, Executive, and Clinic registrations received during OD 2020. These steps are necessary to ensure each participant has reviewed and signed the updated waivers and compliance forms that have been amended to the realities of COVID19.
To ensure participants have adequate time to review each waiver and document, MO should post the PDF Sample versions to their website and/or member communications. For a list of step by step instructions and additional information review the
June 16 MO communication.
Indemnity Adult - Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, and Indemnity Outdoor Support Participant Registration
New to OD 2020, any person planning to participate on field as a support participant is required to register to ensure proper waivers and documents are completed. This includes anyone other than players or team personnel on the field (ie. a parent, guardian, sibling, etc. for a mini or youth player). Registration will be accepted through your RAMP Executive registration, under the position title of Support Participant. This type of registration is required only if not currently registered as a player, team personnel or official. There is no registration fee for Support Participants and their registration is only valid in a support role.
Registration for the upcoming Indoor 2020-21 season will be released next week. At this time, we have no guidelines or dates on when indoor soccer may commence.
SSA Member Discussions
The next SSA Member Discussion is scheduled for June 23rd at 8:00 PM. It is possible that as the government releases information that we may require a meeting prior to this date. If this is the case, we will try to give membership as much notice as possible.
Recordings of all previous Member Discussions are available on our
YouTube Channel.
Commit to Kids - Supporting Sport Through COVID-19: Reduced Rate Online Training
For a
limited time* the Canadian Centre for Child Protection’s
Commit to Kids for Coaches online training is being offered at the reduced rate of $9 per person. This training empowers sport professionals with practical information to help them enhance child and youth safety in sport. It highlights the importance of understanding boundaries, sexual misconduct, and reporting inappropriate behaviour. Upon completion of this training and a successful knowledge validation test, learners will receive three NCCP professional development points towards the maintenance of certification.
Looking for training for more than 10 people? Contact the Canadian Centre for Child Protection for further reduced group training rate at
contact@commit2kids.ca *reduced rate is valid until 11:59 P.M. Central time on June 30, 2020 or while quantities last. Discount will be applied at checkout.
Please note, for those organizations participating in Club Licensing, this course is a requirement of the National Youth Club Licence: “At least one individual from the organization has completed Commit to Kids online training and this individual is identified as the primary liaison for child protection with contact information provided to coaches, team personnel, and parents”.
SSA Calendar of Events
Available recordings of past webinars and COVID 19 member calls are available on our
YouTube Channel. The slide decks from our presenters, including Paul Varian and Stuart Neely, are available on
our website.
SSA have partnered with Sports Medicine and Science Council for Saskatchewan to bring a coaching education webinar series to assist coaches in supporting their athletes and maintaining their own health and wellness. Registration information for these workshops can be
found here. June 24 - Understanding Sleep & Performance -7:00 pm |
July 8 - Goal Setting - 4:30 pm |
July 15 - Stress and Relaxation - 4:30 pm |
Canada Soccer Nation Inside
As a reminder, please continue to take care of yourself, your families, and others.
Wash your hands frequently (it is the single most effective way of reducing infection spread). |
Practice other good hygiene habits: do not touch your face/eyes/mouth with your hands and cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough (ideally with a disposable tissue or the crease of your elbow). |
Clean and disinfect frequently touched workspace surfaces. |
Maintain good general health (eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and move in moderation). |
Stay home if you are sick |