Sept 11, 2020 Member Update
Return to Soccer Updates
In discussions with the Business Response Team (BRT) we are pleased to report additional progress this week.
SSA has confirmed with BRT that Outdoor Soccer, Indoor Soccer and Futsal are separate sports which are played on separate surfaces with different rules, different seasons, and participants. As such, considering the provincial guidelines do not restrict players from playing multiple sports, we have been advised that Member Organizations can develop new mini leagues separate from their outdoor mini leagues for the indoor soccer and futsal categories to begin this fall.
Provincial health authorities are considering what they call a "wash out" period to allow mini leagues to be adjusted. We also believe that discussions are occurring about increasing the size of mini leagues for sports that have larger rosters such as soccer. Neither of these have been approved yet but we have been advised that these are being discussed at higher levels within health. We hope to report on progress soon.
Although they are considered separate sports, we do recommend that groups take a minimum of a 14-day break between Outdoor and Indoor/Futsal.
We are pleased to report that many of the organizations that offer indoor soccer have completed the Canada Soccer Assessment Tool. We want to remind those organizations that have not yet completed the tool and are still in the planning phases, that we understand this may be an overwhelming time and we are here to offer support. Please contact
Nicole Drozda with any questions you may have.
Member Discussions
We continue to find the Member Discussions of great value to share information and connect with the membership. With the constant changes we are experiencing and to ensure we can answer all member questions, we strongly encourage all Member Organizations to continue to have representatives on these calls. After the October 13th call, we will conduct a poll to determine the best time for these calls going forward.
COVID Related Grants
Jumpstart Sport Relief Fund
Launching Sept. 12, the
Jumpstart Relief Fund is designed to support youth-based community sport and recreation programs and organizations as they build back from the effects of COVID-19.
There are two streams for the funding:
Program Support - to support programs and organizations to eliminate systemic barriers to participation while keeping children and youth safe.
Operational Support & Capacity Building - to support innovation and/or basic operational support for programs and organizations to help close the operational gaps exposed by COVID-19.
Applications for both funding streams close Oct. 4.
Jays Care Foundation's Get Playing Fund
The Jays Care Foundation's Get Playing Fund is a one-time grant designed to invest in the recovery and rebuilding efforts of organizations supporting Indigenous children and youth that have been affected by COVID-19.
Organizations can apply to receive up to $50,000.
Applications are due Sept. 16 at 5 p.m. EST.
2021 WISE Fund
Canadian Women & Sport is looking to advance gender equity in sport by supporting 30 organizations with a grant for $2500 through the
WISE Fund.
Sport organizations, community organizations, university/college sport programs, schools and non-profit organizations are eligible to apply.
Applications for the grant open Tuesday, Oct. 13 and close Monday, Nov. 9.
Canadian Women & Sport is offering 15-minute consultation calls at select times between Sept. 21 and Oct. 9 to support applicants with specific questions related to the eligibility of their application.
MAP Grant
Reminder, the MAP Grant Follow-up deadline is September 30th at midnight.
Application revisions are being accepted - all revisions are subject to approval and must be submitted by
email by September 15th.
Due to COVID, it is required that all Follow-up Reports and receipts are submitted by email.
To be eligible for MAP Grant Funding, Member Organizations must be in good standing on the follow-up deadline (i.e. have no debts outstanding).
We are available to assist you with your follow-up process. If you have any questions, or require any support please contact
Nicole Drozda by September 25
th. We encourage you to reach out early, as we may not have the ability offer support close to or on the follow-up deadline date.
Registration Deadlines
The Outdoor 2020 registration deadline is September 30. The deadline includes all registrations for players, coaches and officials received during the outdoor season.
It is critical that you submit the completed Registrar Report and fees no later than September 30. The amended registration fees and Registrar Report are available on the
SSA website. If you have any questions, contact
SSA Calendar of Events & Deadlines
Recordings of past webinars and COVID 19 member calls can be found on our
YouTube Channel.
September 16 - Registration deadline for Canada Soccer C-Licence (Online)
September 23 - Registration deadline for Canada Soccer B-Licence Part 1 (Online)
Major Events for 2021
Multisport Games and re-scheduled date confirmations:
SaskSport has partnered with the Rivers West District to host a number of workshops in September and October. Registration is now open!

National Coaches Week

An Effective Approach for Enhancing the Sport Experiences of Girls/Young Women
Canada Soccer Nation Inside
As a reminder, please continue to take care of yourself, your families, and others.