August 14, Member Update
Return to Soccer Update
There are no updates to the SSA Return to Soccer Plan this week. The plan was last updated on July 3rd.
We understand that some provincial government restrictions in place may negatively affect your organization, either financially or otherwise, however it is important that we continue to adapt and work within the guidelines to mitigate risk and ensure participant safety.
We also recognize that there are guidelines, that in our minds, may not make sense; there are also guidelines, that make sense and mitigate risk, but they do not seem fair in comparison to schools reopening and based on what other groups are allowed. Both cause frustration, however the difference needs to be recognized. It is natural for us to compare ourselves to other sports, however our responsibility lies within our organizations and to our own members to provide a safe environment. Amongst our membership, there are varying opinions of what is in the best interests of organizations and participants, and we will continue to do our best to navigate the feedback we are receiving.
Recently, we have received the following response from the Business Response Team. This is an example of a guideline that does not work logically for our membership:
Question: From pg. 81 of the Re-open SK Plan - Mini-leagues should remain together until restrictions are further relaxed. Does this apply to the transition between seasons - when we move from outdoor to indoor? If there is a least a minimum 2 week break between seasons, can new mini-leagues be formed?
Answer from the Business Response Team: Please follow the Sports and Activities Guidelines for the time being and do not mix mini-leagues. The transition from outdoor to indoor is not an issue as long as the players, teams and mini-leagues remain the same. We anticipate some updates to the Sports and Activities guidelines regarding seasonal sports, please watch the Government of Saskatchewan website for any updates.
Our staff will continue to make inquiries of the Business Response Team on items that could be adapted, without putting the safety of participants into question. We also encourage all Member Organizations to bring your specific concerns directly to the Business Response Team and share any new information you receive.
Based on discussions from the August 11 Member Discussion call, we will also be connecting with other sports that fall under the same guidelines as soccer to share concerns, seek clarity, and collaborate to form solutions and send consistent messages to government. As always, we will share updates in a timely manner.
This week the
FAQ Document has been updated to include questions to the following:
With school starting up in less than a month, there will be increased risk of transmission, and more than ever, it will be pertinent that all Member Organizations continue to follow the provincial guidelines, prioritizing participant safety and ensuring proper contact tracing procedures are in place.
This week, we have no updates to report to the Return to Soccer Plan or the FAQ. We have information requests into the Business Response Team and will share updates when available.
Can a participant coach/referee in a mini league and play in another? |
Is there a requirement to do the Canada Soccer Assessment tool again for Indoor? |
Member Discussions
The next two Member Discussions are as follows:
Socially Distanced Award Presentations!
In April, due to COVID, we moved the 2019 SSA Technical and Recognition Awards celebration online, and in July, we were fortunate to finally be able to recognize some of the recipients in person through social distanced award presentations! A big thank you goes out to the SSA Board members for driving around Saskatoon and Regina and presenting these awards.
Due to limiting travel, we couldn't present to everyone and for those awards that were mailed out, we were sent photos that we are excited to share along with the photos from our presentation tour.
Reminder: Member Orientation Webinars
Are you in a new role, or are you a new organizer with your organization? We want to get to know you! Join us for one of the below orientation webinars and learn more about SSA, your responsibilities as a Member Organization, and what benefits and services are available to help increase your capacity and grow the game.
SSA Calendar of Events & Deadlines
Recordings of past webinars and COVID 19 member calls can be found on our
YouTube Channel.
September 16 - Registration deadline for Canada Soccer C-Licence (Online)
September 23 - Registration deadline for Canada Soccer B-Licence Part 1 (Online)
Major Events for 2021
Multisport Games and re-scheduled date confirmations:
Canada Soccer launches new digital platform

Canada Soccer Nation Inside
As a reminder, please continue to take care of yourself, your families, and others.
Wash your hands frequently (it is the single most effective way of reducing infection spread). |
Practice other good hygiene habits: do not touch your face/eyes/mouth with your hands and cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough (ideally with a disposable tissue or the crease of your elbow). |
Clean and disinfect frequently touched workspace surfaces. |
Maintain good general health (eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and move in moderation). |
Stay home if you are sick |