July 17, 2020 Member Update
July 17, 2020
To: All SSA Member Organizations
For the second week in a row, we have no updates to report to the Government of Saskatchewan Guidelines or to the SSA Return to Soccer Plan (RTSP).
We recognize that over the past few months that you have received an overwhelming of information, which at times, was difficult to navigate. We have appreciated your patience as we sought out answers, and we especially appreciate and applaud all the hard work you have done to ensure a safe environment for your participants. This is not an easy time to be involved in organizing sport, however we believe all organizations in our membership are moving forward with caution and with the safety of participants at top of mind, and that is something we should all be proud of.
For those organizations that have decided not to return this outdoor, we support your decision, we know it was not an easy one to make. Each organization must decide when they are ready to return, and we look forward to working with you when that time comes.
RTSP - Indoor
As more and more organizations are developing clear guidelines and return to the pitch, we are starting to get more questions geared towards indoor soccer activities and guidelines. The current version on the RTSP, last updated July 3, includes indoor guidelines, but we are aware you still may have unanswered questions. Please remember to reach out to us in your planning with any questions you may have, and we will do our best to find the answers or point you in the direction of someone that can.
This week the
FAQ have been updated to include the following question:
24. Now that indoor is allowed, what is the maximum capacity allowed in an indoor facility?
Rural Return to Soccer Webinar
Join us occer Webinars specific to Rural Members. We'll go through some of the most critical guidelines, talk programming possibilities, and answer any questions you may have.
Member Discussions
Saskatchewan Winter Games
We received exciting news this week with the announcement of Regina as the host city for the 2022 Saskatchewan Winter Games. Not only will the event mark the 50th anniversary of the Saskatchewan Games, it will also mark the inaugural year for Futsal as part of this competition.
We are excited to work with the Saskatchewan Games and to build on the great work of our SSA Member Organizations to continue to grow and celebrate the game of Futsal in our province. Stay tuned for more information to come!
MED Hosted by Saskatoon Youth Soccer
Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc. is hosting an online Make Ethical Decision course, and they are opening the invite to any coaches looking to complete the MED Certification!
The NCCP Make Ethical Decisions is the cornerstone of the NCCP program and will help coaches decide what to do in difficult situations. After the completion of the module, coaches will be able to analyze a challenging situation to determine its moral, legal or ethical implications and apply the NCCP Ethical Decision-Making Model to properly respond to situations in a way that is consistent with the NCCP Code of Ethics.
What: Online Making Ethical Decisions
When: Tues Jul 21, 6:00 PM - 9:30 PM
How to Register:
Select "Clinic Registration:
Scroll to the bottom of the page for Making Ethical Decisions
Select "Register for Clinic"
Coaching Education
SSA Coaching Standards Update
SSA Coaching Standards Version 1.5 (July 2020) is now posted on the SSA Website. All previous Coach Requirements are still in place; however, we will be providing some leniency to coaches due to the current limitations of COVID 19 and the inability to conduct on-field course portions and/or coach evaluations. With that said, we want to applaud the many member organizations who have pre-planned their Coach Development programs to already meet the Coaching Standards set out in 2018.
Upcoming Canada Soccer C-Licence and B-Licence (Part 1) Courses
We are currently working with Canada Soccer on developing online versions of both the C and B-Licences with a target start date in September 2020. Official dates and registration information will be available very soon.
SSA Calendar of Events
Recordings of past webinars and COVID 19 member calls can be found on our
YouTube Channel. The slide decks from our presenters, including Paul Varian and Stuart Neely, are available on
our website.
July 22 - Rural Return to Soccer Webinar at
noon (registration required)
July 23 - Rural Return to Soccer Webinar at
6:00 pm (registration required)
July 29 - Regina Open Door Society,
Cultural Awareness Training from 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm. This program provides cultural awareness training to organizations and communities for free (Registration required).
Canada Soccer Nation Inside
Every Friday -
Canada Soccer Podcast - Check out last week’s Canada Soccer Nation Podcast Episode 11: Host Jason deVos speaks with Saskatchewan Soccer Association Director of Soccer Rahim Mohamed, Executive Director Doug Pederson, and President Lisa Bagonluri about governance reform, academy membership, and strategic planning, plus COVID-19.
As a reminder, please continue to take care of yourself, your families, and others.
Wash your hands frequently (it is the single most effective way of reducing infection spread). |
Practice other good hygiene habits: do not touch your face/eyes/mouth with your hands and cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough (ideally with a disposable tissue or the crease of your elbow). |
Clean and disinfect frequently touched workspace surfaces. |
Maintain good general health (eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and move in moderation). |
Stay home if you are sick |