June 5, 2020 Member Update
There is a global outcry for change, and we want to begin this communication by addressing the recent racial injustices in the United States. We are disturbed that this is a reality of the world we live in, and we cannot deny that racism also exists in our own country and in our own soccer communities. Let's all accept this as a wake-up call to stand up to racism, to listen, and to learn. Racism has no place in any context. SSA will continue to work, and we strongly encourage all member organizations to do the same, to ensure that racism is not tolerated within our soccer communities. Collectively, we are responsible to provide an inclusive, safe environment for all members.
As Phase 3 of the Re-open Saskatchewan Plan begins this upcoming Monday, June 8th and we continue to see a decline of COVID 19 active cases in the province, optimism continues to grow that we will see the pitch at some point this summer. The Provincial Government indicated this week that they will be providing information over the next week on Phase 4 which includes athletics. Currently, we have more questions than answers, with no government sport related guidelines which are critical to prepare to initiate activity.
We want to remind membership that Phase 4 does not mean an automatic return to normal soccer activities, but rather, soccer as outlined in the Return to Soccer Plan will be different in the short-term, as we take a phased in approach to get back to the game.
As of 9:00 a.m. this morning
Canada Soccer has announced that the suspension of all soccer activity across Canada will be lifted on a regional basis. Each province/territory must receive approval of their Return to Soccer plans and for the majority of provinces this should occur in the next week. We are working with Canada Soccer currently to finalize our provincial Return to Soccer Plan.
As part of the five-step Canada Soccer Return to Soccer guidelines, once our provincial government authorizes return to play and provides anticipated guidelines, Member Organizations and Clubs will need to finalize their own local return to soccer plans and complete the Canada Soccer Return to Soccer Assessment Tool (step 5). The Return to Soccer Assessment Tool has been developed by Canada Soccer in conjunction with its Sports Medicine leaders and its Member Associations. The assessment includes an examination of club practices in understanding the up-to-date realities of the COVID-19 situation, provides event organizers a range of questions surrounding emergency preparedness and response plans, investigates stakeholder and partner coordination, asks for an outline of governance and risk communication policies as well as requesting details on specific mitigation measures.

On our
June 9th Member Discussion, we will welcome Earl Cochrane, who has been a leader in the return to soccer process for Canada Soccer, to discuss the Risk Assessment Tool. We will also discuss the importance of all Member Organization and Clubs completing their own local Return to Soccer plans before receiving access to the Assessment Tool.
The decision to return to phased in activities will ultimately be up to each Member Organization. Canada Soccer, Sask Sport, and SSA with support from all members are working to ensure that each organization has a robust plan in place to mitigate risk. This will remain our focus as we anxiously await further direction from the provincial government. We will be working on releasing resources, for your reference and to aid in your planning process. Please be aware these resources will not be exhaustive, and your organization must continue to do its own due diligence to ensure you are ready to return to the pitch.
Regardless of when Phase 4 is announced and how much lead time we receive, the steps in Canada Soccer Return to Soccer Guidelines must be completed and we will take a patient and thoughtful approach to ensure that safety and readiness remain our top priority.
Thank you to all Member Organizations that completed the Return to Soccer Survey Part 2 conducted between May 27th and June 2nd. The information you continue to provide, combined with gathered information from across the Canadian soccer and Saskatchewan sport sector, is invaluable to informing the Return to Soccer planning process.
A summary of the data from the Return to Soccer Survey Part 2.
Information gathered from the survey helped inform the June 3rd Board meeting. The following fees have been approved for the 2020 Outdoor Season once return to soccer is approved:
Mini | $5.00 per participant |
Youth | $10.00 per participant |
Adult | $10.00 per participant |
Team Personnel | $5.00 per participant (if team personnel are also players, both fees must be paid) |
Referee | *information on fees will be shared in the future* |
SSA Staffing
SSA along with many other sports and businesses are experiencing unprecedented challenges that come with an uncertain future as a result of the pandemic. As a result, difficult budget decisions had to be made which impact staff.
It is with sincere regret that we announce that SSA has formally parted company with Joan Nash, Yiannis Tsalatsidis, Steven Schmidt and Roshelle Montgomery. These decisions were made based on COVID 19 realities and do not diminish the significant contributions that they have made to soccer in the province while with the SSA.
We will greatly miss having them as part of our team and wish them the very best in the future.
As we have noted in previous communications our current staff team are focused on Return to Soccer and as a result other work and our ability to respond in a timely manner may be delayed. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through a prioritized list of essential activities.
Partnership with Respect Group to offer Club Licensing Incentives
Through our partnership with Respect Group, we are delighted to offer each organization participating in the Canada Soccer Club Licensing program 22 free access codes to key educational programs.
The Canada Soccer Club Licensing Program is designed to guide member organizations throughout the country toward best principles for organizational development both on and off the field. By raising the standards of member organizations, both the daily playing environment and participant experience are enhanced; thereby, improving the overall soccer system in Canada.
This offer, only available to current Canada Soccer Club Licensing Program participants, grants organizations free access to “Respect in Sport for Parents” (20 uses) and the cutting-edge “Respect in the Workplace” program (2 uses). All eligible organizations will receive their access code information next week.
Support Sask Lotteries!
Saskatchewan Lotteries in a non-profit organization funding more than 12,000 groups across the province. SSA Member Organization’s benefit greatly from lottery sales; for example, this funding supports the MAP Grant program and $234,200 will be allocated to Member Organizations this year alone. Sask Lotteries has developed new promotional materials to be used by sport, culture and recreation groups to promote lottery sales during the pandemic. These materials feature messages promoting safe play of lottery games. The messages are appropriate for any time but are especially pertinent right now when personal safety is at the top of everyone’s mind.
SSA Calendar of Events
Available recordings of past webinars and COVID 19 member calls are available on our
YouTube Channel. The slide decks from our presenters, including Paul Varian and Stuart Neely, are available on
our website.
SSA have partnered with Sports Medicine and Science Council for Saskatchewan to bring a coaching education webinar series to assist coaches in supporting their athletes and maintaining their own health and wellness. Registration information for these workshops can be
found here.
June 10 - Understanding Sports Nutrition - 7:00pm |
June 17 - Coach Wellness - 4:30pm |
June 24 - Understanding Sleep & Performance -7:00pm |
July 8 - Goal Setting - 4:30pm |
July 15 - Stress and Relaxation - 4:30pm |
Canada Soccer Nation Inside

As a reminder, please continue to take care of yourself, your families, and others.
Wash your hands frequently (it is the single most effective way of reducing infection spread). |
Practice other good hygiene habits: do not touch your face/eyes/mouth with your hands and cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough (ideally with a disposable tissue or the crease of your elbow). |
Clean and disinfect frequently touched workspace surfaces. |
Maintain good general health (eat a balanced diet, get enough sleep, and move in moderation). |
Stay home if you are sick |